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Learning Material and Others

Learning Material and Innovation

Actually for student teacher, learning material is something that we should know. It will affect on the performance while teaching. how this learning material could engage student in learning. Let's say in a wide range, learning material includes all the activities, exercises, or even a guide to fun learning.


Of course learning materials are also should follow curriculum and standard competence. After observation in Demonstration school of Thepsatri Rajabhat University, Leaning material are still adopt from the main English text book. The teacher might use internet reference for materials but it's only for adding. Because for this period the school is still under renovation, so wi-fi for students unavailable. Eventhough the facility are really good enough for teacher to do some innovation for their learning material. But, it's still a bit difficult without a stable internet connection. In this case it's for technology integration. Despite the matter, teacher still be able to use low technology like a board paper, or make students do some work in a group.


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Demonstration school of Thepsatri Rajabhat University use different English text book. It depends on the grade of students. They don't have grammar book. Because grammar and vocab are indirectly become a part of the content even the skill too. The text book only take a focus on reading and writing comprehension, so teacher should find a way to design and develop other skill on the activities or exercises.


The facility in the school are good enough to support students and teachers activities. The school has three school building those are building 7, building 15 and building 18. In the building 15 those are classrooms, science laboratories, music rooms and cookery room.In building 7 those are classrooms, computer laboratories, dance rooms, ASEAN rooms, Library, English teacher room , Math teacher room, Photocopying room, Medical room and administration room. In the building 18 there are 18 classrooms, meeting rooms, science teacher rooms, etc. All classrooms have air conditioner, electrical, LCD, speaker and loudspeaker equipment.


The students are also active in writing for wall magazines. The building consist of 6 floors. In every floor will have wall magazines. 


Ah there is unique things that i haven't seen in the class in Indonesia. The box for students' cellphone. So, the students will keep their phone in the box while learning process happens. I have two opinion on this matter. First, student will be more focus on the learning activities. Second, they might follow the learning process but half or maybe all their mind will leave too with their phone. That thought come because by the increased of technology usage include cellphone among students.    


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