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  • Writer's pictureal_alfii

Day 23: The show must go on

yooo my dear readers...!!!!

today i had a culture show. Actually I've been told that today we have a culture exchange. But, i don't find any event represent to the "exchange" so i call it today is culture show. Actually we had a promise to meet in front of ajarn nook office. But, because dyah has appointment first with her tudents, so we choose to prepare ourself in our basecamp.

I have a little skill on make up. So, i give dyah and diana a hand. Eventhouh it's not as good as the make up artist, but i think my skill is good enough for only one show.

Dyah and me dance "Sekapur Sirih" in front them, while susu and diana wear a traditional clothes. We look great together because we are in one tone. After showing my culture, actually i expect them to show us the same culture. I mean, they could dance or play tradisional music or anything. But, after taking picture they allow us to comeback to our room. Then, i think it's such a waste if i take the costume too early. So, we go around campus and take some photos.

some of students look curious of us being all dressed up in costume. I just give them a big smile tho. If they ask to take a photo with me, i'll do it.

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